
I have installed Packetfence 12.2 on Debian 11.9 and when I open the
Configurator page I can't select an interface.

I get the following error message: Management interface not found.

And when I restart the CLI Packetfence I get the following message:

root@packet-nac:~# /usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd service pf restart

Synchronizing state of monit.service with SysV service script with

Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable monit

Service                                                 Status    PID

Checking configuration sanity...

Could not write namespace config::PfDefault() to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace config::Documentation() to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace config::Cluster(DEFAULT) to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace resource::unified_api_system_user() to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace config::PfDefault() to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace config::Documentation() to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace config::Cluster(DEFAULT) to L2 cache !

Could not write namespace resource::unified_api_system_user() to L2 cache !

FATAL - please define exactly one management interface

WARNING - internal network(s) not defined!

FATAL - Unable to connect to your database. Please verify your connection
settings in conf/pf.conf and make sure that it is started.

WARNING - networks.conf is empty but services.dhcpd is enabled. Disable it
to remove this warning.

FATAL - Cannot connect to database to check schema version: unable to
connect to database: Access denied for user 'pf'@'localhost' at
/usr/local/pf/lib/pf/dal.pm line 69.

WARNING - Cannot detect Apache SSL configuration. Not validating the


I would be happy if someone could help me

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