New user to PacketFence. As our company is moving away from AD to Okta
for our IdP, I need to replace our Windows NPS for authenticating our
Wifi users. I've been posting on reddit in the r/PacketFence there,
but I understand this is the better place to get assistance. So I'm
going to try here.

Here is what I have so far:

I've created the realm for our domain. I have created a RADIUS
authentication source and associated it with the created realm. No
rules created at this time. I have also created an LDAP authentication
source to our Okta LDAP interface and associated that to our realm.
The test with the associated Bind DN is successful. I've tried
creating a rule using LDAP selecting member is member of
dn=Wireless_Users_Group,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=okta,dc=com with action
Role - default and Access Duration - 1 day.

Using ldap search as follows:
ldapsearch -D ",ou=users, dc=domain, dc=okta,
dc=com" -W -H ldaps:// -b dc=domain,dc=okta,dc=com \* +
This will list the various attributes of the user, but does not list
the groups the user is a member of.

To list groups the user is a member of I can do the following ldap search:

ldapsearch -x -H ldaps:// -D
",ou=users,dc=domain,dc=okta,dc=com" -W -b
dc=domain,dc=okta,dc=com memberOf

This will show me a long list of groups the user is a member of in the
following format:
memberOf: cn=miro_users,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=okta,dc=com

This is different from the typical AD approach to getting memberOf.

I get the following when doing a radtest:

radtest <password> localhost:18120 12 testing123
Sent Access-Request Id 184 from to length 106
User-Name = ""
User-Password = "<password>"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 12
Message-Authenticator = 0x00
Cleartext-Password = "<password>"

The above is repeated 3 times and then I get:
(0) No reply from server for ID 184 socket 3

Obviously Okta is not the usual IdP for RADIUS from what I can see and
their LDAP implementation may be a bit different. In my google
searches I see that players like SecureW2 using FreeRADIUS on the
backend are using SAML connectivity with Okta. I've configured a SAML
authentication source in PF, but that is as far as I've got so far.

I tried to start PF FreeRADIUS in debug mode, but didn't have any
success. In System Configuration | Services I stopped radiusd and
radiusd-auth and tried using the following: freeradius -X -d
/usr/local/pf/raddb -n auth
That fails binding to status address of port 18121: Address
already in use. So, not sure how to get debug mode working to see more
info on what is happening in RADIUS.

At this point I'm pretty lost. Not sure what steps I'm missing in all
of this and have tried to follow documentation to set things up, but
I'm obviously missing some stuff.

The goal is to get users to authenticate against Okta for Wifi access,
if they belong to a certain group. Then depending on that group assign
them the correct VLAN. We are using Unifi APs with a Unifi Cloud Key
and have that currently working in NPS. Just need to move it over to

Any assistance you can provide to get me working would be greatly appreciated.


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