Hello Daniel,

Iptables is needed in PacketFence for firewall and also routing.

If you turn off iptables, you will lose the filtering part but also any 
registration and isolation routing.

If you don’t have a registration and isolation network then you are fine.

You can do:

systemctl disable packetfence-iptables --now

systemctl mask packetfence-iptables


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal Lead

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> On May 30, 2024, at 3:18 PM, Daniel Zook via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I set up a 3-node cluster environment and everything is working as expected, 
> *EXCEPT* that when the IPTables service is running the cluster fails to 
> respond to DNS requests.  I've posted here and on the sub-reddit, but no one 
> has provided a solution, so preventing IPTables from running seems to be the 
> only way to work around this.  Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out how to 
> keep IPTables from starting automatically (either at boot, or after a period 
> of time after stopping it.)
> Does anyone know how to keep IPTables from running?
> Thanks.
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