Hi everyone,

I got stuck with OCSP configuration between PacketFence and Microsoft PKI, it 
seems to be something known which was discussed before (but with no solution 
provided) and I will highly appreciate any community assistance:
I have the same messages in radius logging on the PacketFence side.

So, when I enabled OCSP verification on PacketFence, authentication for each 
EAP TLS attempt was rejected with the following reason: Reason eap_tls: ocsp: 
Couldn't verify OCSP basic response

I believe the problem is related to the issuer certificate chain which  
PacketFence uses for OCSP requests. Here’s what I found during my 
troubleshooting with the OpenSSL utility:
When I use SubCA public certificate for OCSP request - I get an answer for 
certificate verification:
root@packetfence1:~# openssl ocsp -issuer chain.pem -cert L-0060.pem -text -url 
OCSP Request Data:
    Version: 1 (0x0)
    Requestor List:
        Certificate ID:
          Hash Algorithm: sha1
          Issuer Name Hash: 0B3DA617D000A7D825136DE0A70B7B7BCBEB4290
          Issuer Key Hash: 11C156C66A70F293C00FB31606BEC14D08F7DE17
          Serial Number: 1B000000F0156DB6DE7BA445290000000000F0
    Request Extensions:
        OCSP Nonce:
Responder Error: unauthorized (6)

When I use full chain for OCSP request - I got unauthorised response.
root@packetfence1:~# openssl ocsp -issuer SubCA.pem -cert L-0060.pem -text -url 
OCSP Request Data:
    Version: 1 (0x0)
    Requestor List:
        Certificate ID:
          Hash Algorithm: sha1
          Issuer Name Hash: 0B3DA617D000A7D825136DE0A70B7B7BCBEB4290
          Issuer Key Hash: AC797F76A888497C02E83E5B58529830D314C033
          Serial Number: 1B000000F0156DB6DE7BA445290000000000F0
    Request Extensions:
        OCSP Nonce:
OCSP Response Data:
    OCSP Response Status: successful (0x0)
-----------output was ommited-----------
Response verify OK
LISER-L-0060.pem: good
        This Update: Feb 16 13:56:02 2024 GMT
        Next Update: Jun 17 12:40:20 2024 GMT

Microsoft PKI infrastructure is pretty common: RootCA is turned off, SubCA is 
responsible for certificate issuing, OCSP role is running on SubCA server. For 
EAP TLS authentications full certificate chain was imported to PacketFence.

Any ideas how to force PacketFence to use SubCA certificate only for OCSP 


Andrey Chernyakov
Senior Network and Security Engineer

email: chernya...@npsconsult.com
phone: (+352) 621260657

NPS Consult S.A.
L-5687, Dalheim
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