Hello Amish,

You are allowed 600 request per hour for free.

The fingerbank collector will try to fingerprint anything!

Check the logs with :

journalctl -f -u packetfence-fingerbank-collector


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal Lead

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> On Jun 8, 2024, at 5:50 AM, Amish via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I registered on the Fingerbank website last night. I added the API key on the 
> Packetfence server and now I get an email once every hour saying "You have 
> reached your hourly API limit".
> There are not devices connecting or accessing the test Packetfence server. It 
> is completely idle. There are less than 10 nodes that were seen by this 
> server over the last few weeks.
> What is it querying?
> Thanks,
> Amish
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