Am Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2015, 20:36:33 schrieb Administrator:
> Received this error:
> MIME type 'application/x-source-rpm' not supported
> /tmp/mpv-0.9.1-1.7.src.rpm

Where did you receive this error? I.e. what exactly were you trying to do?

I think you probably shouldn't mess around with the src package anyway.
Install the binary package instead if you want to install/use mpv.

And it's probably best to add the Packman repo to your system (YaST->Software 
Repositories->Add->Community Repositories e.g.) and install the package using 
YaST->Software Management or zypper, not downloading/installing it manually.

And better do a "full repository vendor change update" to Packman too 
afterwards as described here, to get fully multimedia enabled versions of 
other packages as well:

Kind Regards,

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