On Mon, 8 Aug 2016 15:44:31 +0200
Olaf Hering <o...@aepfle.de> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 08, Marcus Hüwe wrote:
> > As a temporary workaround, you can put the attached script/osc
> > plugin into your ~/.osc-plugins directory (it monkey patches
> > osc.core.get_project_sourceinfo so that it treats status 500 as 414
> > for this specific api call (yes... that's really, really hacky)).
> This helps, thanks!
> Olaf

Back from vacation just now, sorry for no/late reply.

Do I need to do something on PMBS - apart from updating to 2.7 sometime
in the near future?


Stefan Botter zu Hause

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