Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 at 12:23 AM
From: "Walter Fey" <>
> I agreed to this and informed him, that due to serious legal concerns,
> I cannot publish the copyright remark that is pointing to SUSE LINUX GmbH,
> Nuernberg, Germany without a  written approval from this company.

This is the part I understand the least.
What would be the legal ramifications or even just the risks in
attributing copyright to a third party? Or is mentioning a trademark that
concerns you?

Furthermore, you wouldn't even have to use the "Copyright SUSE GmbH" line.
Several other packagers just put in their name, current year and everyone
who adds something to it would add his own.

Also, I understand the principle of wanting one's work to be recognised,
but is it worth the trouble for something that can be trivially reimplemented
and it's MIT licensed so anyone could reuse it in the first place?


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