
I copy here the bug on bugzilla.

My title may be inappropriate, I apologize.
I'm on openSUSE Tumbleweed (updated at this date), I have for several months 
(27/11/18 -https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1117448) an 
impossibility to browse from VLC the UPNP network.

The output in a console gives this:

~$ vlc
VLC media player 3.0.6 Vetinari (revision 3.0.6-0-g5803e85f73)
[000055c090630ce0] main libvlc: Lancement de vlc avec l'interface par défaut. 
Utilisez « cvlc » pour démarrer VLC sans interface.
[000055c09062b350] main playlist: playlist is empty
[00007f401c656f60] upnp services discovery: Initializing libupnp on 'default' 
[00007f401c656f60] upnp services discovery error: Initialization failed: 
[00007f401c656f60] main services discovery error: no suitable services 
discovery module
[00007f401c656f60] upnp services discovery: Initializing libupnp on 'default' 
[00007f401c656f60] upnp services discovery error: Initialization failed: 
[00007f401c656f60] main services discovery error: no suitable services 
discovery module

I am with the VLC OSS repositories, but I can also change and put the one of 
packman and it does not change.

I tested on an openSUSE without third-party repositories (without packman) and 
the problem exists.

Thank you for your time.

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