On 14/12/2019 12.34, pack...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Dec 2019 01:45:20 +0300 Kyrill Detinov
> <lazy.k...@opensuse.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 13:15:37 +0100 (CET) Carlos E. R. wrote:
>>> I just noticed during an update (Leap 15.1) a problem with
>>> "clawsker" from packman. It needs perl-Glib-introspection,
>>> which apparently is only available on the perl repo. IMHO
>>> packman shouldn't have a requirement for other repos.
>> The latest version of clawsker depends on perl(Gtk3), that isn't
>> provided by Leap 15.*.
>> And it is satisfied in Tumbleweed. But the clawsker doesn't run
>> here somehow.
>> % clawsker Typelib file for namespace 'GdkPixdata', version '2.0'
>> not found at
line 108. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/clawsker line
>> 20.
>> I don't understand yet.
> Out of interest, I just downloaded the source of clawsker 1.3.1
> from https://www.claws-mail.org/clawsker.php and unpacked and built
> it. It appears to run successfully. I'm still on Leap 15.0. I had
> to install perl-File-Which to make it build but I don't have
> Glib::File::Introspection so apparently that isn't needed.
> $ ./clawsker -v Clawsker :: A Claws Mail Tweaker Version:
> @VERSION@ Perl-GLib version 1.326, built for 2.54.3, running with
> 2.54.3. Perl-GTK3 version 0.034, built for 30, running with
> 3.22.30. Claws Mail returned version
> My existing clawsker 1.2.0 continues to work.
> $ clawsker -v Clawsker :: A Claws Mail Tweaker Version: 1.2.0
> Perl-GLib version 1.326, built for 2.54.3, running with 2.54.3.
> Perl-GTK2 version 1.24992, built for 2.24.32, running with
> 2.24.32. Claws Mail returned version
> I don't understand, either :)
> I hope clawsker continues to work when I upgrade to 15.1 shortly.

The thing is, a package should not require an out of repository
package. If it is needed, the package should be included on packman
somehow, linked if possible, or the need for another repo documented.

Me I'm not interested in clawsker, I don't use claws. Maybe I
installed claws for testing at some point, and thus I got the error I
reported (which I can't replicate a second time). I did not save the
solver case.

Cheers / Saludos,

                Carlos E. R.
                (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)

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