Hi there, I'm struggling with a really weird error on a spin that I generate 
based on openSUSE Leap 15.3 + Packman, built with Kiwi. Both during the Kiwi 
image customization script and in the generated system, it is unable to import 
the Packman repomd.xml.key 
 It just gives me a nondescript error:

:~> rpm --import /etc/zypp/repos.d/repomd.xml.key
error: /etc/zypp/repos.d/repomd.xml.key: key 1 import failed.

There are several keys for other 3rd party and official openSUSE repos that are 
also imported in the exact same way, and they work fine. Also, if I add the 
Packman repo via YaST Repositories and accept the automatic prompt to import 
the key it also works fine.

This exact same Kiwi recipe with the same keys worked fine back in June when I 
release my last set of ISOs. So all I can figure is there was an update to GPG 
or RPM or something that has broken this. But I'm stumped. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

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