Am 11.08.2022 um 13:25 schrieb Masaru Nomiya:

You are mistaken.
What yt-dlp needs is python3, not python.

CER>  Thus, this package can not be published as is.

CER>  I just tried to revert the update, but there are no older
CER>  versions available. I have a local copy of 2022.07.18 and
CER>  reverted to that one.

python3 in Leap 15.3 is python3.6, right?
yt-dlp requires python3.7 or higher.

The solution in Leap 15.3 is installing python 3.8 (3.7 isn't
availlable, is it?) and use update-laternatives.

Not so simple as it seems.

All python-modules in Leap are build against default dead python 3.6.

So you can not simple use 3.8 to build, because modules are not build against 3.8.



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