
On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 09:38 -0600, Malcolm wrote:
> On Mon 30 Jan 2023 04:13:39 PM CST, Simon Vogl wrote:
> > so maybe giving the workers a bit more than 1GB memory is still worth
> > trying as a work-around?
> > 
> <snip>
> Hi
> Checking buildwk1:1 through 4 and buildwk3:1 through 4 with `osc
> workerinfo x86_64:buildwk1:1` shows the workers are using jobs=1,
> memory=512M and swap=512.

Sorry for that.
Both machines have again 4 workers each, now with 5744M and 7509M per
worker, respectively.

What happened?
Short answer: the obs-* packages from the stable release got updated, I
rebooted the machines for the kernel update, and I missed to check for
the correct amount of RAM in the worker VMs.

Long version:
OBS is rather lazy and dumb in automatically adjusting to the available
hardware, it just takes exactly half of the available RAM and splits it
up among the number of workers, which is taken from the number of CPU
cores available, or defaulting to 512M. Apart from that one can define
the amount of RAM for the worker instances using the config variable
If you have a considerable amount of RAM using just half of it is
wasting resources. I modified obsstoragesetup from obs-common to take
all available RAM, minus some small amount to give the OS place to
breathe, and split the then available amount of RAM evenly between the
worker instances. My patch does even more for NUMA machines, where the
physical memory is divided between CPUs. Here the smallest NUMA block is
considered and the available RAM is evaluated for the whole for all NUMA
blocks combined.
Unfortunately I seem to be the only one feeling the limitation of the
original approach, and everyone else is fine with using just holf of the
available RAM or is fiddling with individual manual RAM assignment.
My PR has not seen any action
(https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/pull/10016), and each
time the obs packages are updated, my patch is overwritten.

Of course I could compile the packages myself to get out of that loop
Monitoring could be another approach, but I am not even coming around to
properly monitor the running schedulers.


Stefan Botter zu Hause

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