On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 5:34 AM, Allan McRae <al...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> On 25/04/10 01:36, Allan McRae wrote:
>> Updated list of things that need done before release:
>> (** indicates patches available)
>> (* indicates a patch needing revision is available)
>> 1**) Nagy's -D patch should be included.

Done. See my recent patch sent to the ML that might provoke some more
discussion but might not be a blocker for 3.4.0.

>> 2) Revert/fix the cross-build library linking patch as this forces some
>> linking that it should not. Dan said he was looking at this (?).

I think this is better now? Matthias Lanzinger, can you confirm? Did I
bust it up even more? :P

>> 3) Fix "makepkg --source" issue with split packages and
>> install/changelog files (FS#18831) Related bugs FS#18394 and FS#16004
>> can be fixed at the same time. I have most of a patch prepared.

I am still not a huge fan of the checksums business when it comes to
source packages. Let me see if I can formalize my thoughts on that in
another email.

>> 4**) Pull in other stuff from working branches
>> - Nagy has another couple of minor patches
>> - Xavier has a couple (I am not sure about asciidoc one... but I do not
>> see a better way)
>> - I have few patches (all makepkg ones are well tested, pacman -Qo
>> "functional which" could do with a final review)

Yes, I need to sit down and pull some more and do some patch review,
the reason yours have gotten backed up is because a lot of them were
behind the above (--source and integrity checks).

>> 5*) phonon/qt issue patch:
>> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-February/010429.html
>> - needs cleanup first.

Looks like we never got a second proposal from Nagy he said might be coming?

>> 6*) Include globbing patch:
>> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-March/010550.html
>> - see my recent post about potential fix needed for no match case.

I think this is just about ready to go, I'll try to look over it very soon.

>> 7) "pacman -Sg group" interactivity:
>> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-March/010516.html

Not exactly sure what to do here; part of the issue is how little I
use groups myself so I don't have a lot invested in this.

>> 8*?) Tidy up bash_completion stuff? (FS#16630)

The poster disappeared and he tried to sneak a license change in
there, so that just hit a bit of a roadblock. I'd like to improve this
so I might just sit down and hack at it myself.

>> 9) Look at Flyspray roadmap:
>> http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?do=index&tasks=&project=3&due=69 and
>> remove anything not being implemented.

This will probably wait until the rest of the dust settles, but yes it
should be done.

>> 10) Write NEWS...

Always looking for a volunteer to help. :)

> 11) vercmp changes?  Trying to avoid upgrade issues like we had with
> openssl.

Done, thanks for reviewing.


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