Florian Pritz wrote:
> On 19.10.2010 21:25, Xavier Chantry wrote:
> > But my new provision selection inspired to both Jakob and Dan that we
> > could have the same for groups, so I went ahead and implemented it
> > over the weekend.
> Do it like yaourt (it prompts the user when doing -Syu) and open an
> editor with one package per line. If a user doesn't want to install a
> certain package he can just delete or comment(#) the line.
> I don't know how to handle dependencies here (foo needs bar, but the
> user removes bar), but I think you could just ask for those with a
> simple yes/no afterwards.

I did think some time ago that it should not be too hard to write a pacman
wrapper handling interactive group install.
But I did not know yaourt had that feature, that's interesting.

I like 'rebase -i' a lot, never thought of using that for groups. But well, if
it's already in yaourt, why bother doing the same thing again in pacman ?

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