On 20 Mar 2015, at  9:29 pm +0100, Florian Pritz wrote:
> >> > From: Ivy Foster <joyfulg...@archlinux.us>
> I'm not really sure why that is here. Did you set the envelope sender in
> git (git config --global sendemail.envelopesender) or am I missing some
> difference between the two addresses?

You're right, it's from envelopesender. Without that, msmtp
clobbered my From line and changed the sender to my other
email address, which isn't subscribed. Sorry.

> >> New contributor - yay!
> >> > [patch]
> >> [notes]
> > 
> > Thanks! I'll fix it up as you've suggested. When that's
> > done, should I send the changes as a patch that's a
> > sequel to the first, or should I create a unified patch
> > with everything?

> [very thorough reply]

Thank you very much!

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