On 24/06/18 11:24, Morgan Adamiec wrote:
>> Please append a version of you patch in the subject line. e.g.
>> [PATCH 7/7 v3]
> Eli gave me a little walk through on the best practises for patches,
> next patches will include this.
>> I'm still not happy with this patch.  Why not just explicitly check that
>> "any" is specified on its own, rather than a check here and one in the
>> following loop.
>> if in_array "any" "${arch[@]}"; then
>>         if (( ${#arch[@]} == 1 )); then
>>                 return 0;
>>         else
>>                 error "$(gettext "...")"
>>                 return 1;
>>         fi
>> fi
> The explicit check will accept any on it's own but doesn't do anything
> about mixing any and other architectures
> The loop then makes sure any has not been snuck into the middle of the
> depends array.
> Without the former we would get: "pkgbase is not available for the
> 'any' architecture".
> Without the latter "depends=('foo any bar)" would be valid. (and yes I
> saw a package doing this once)

And what does the code I provided above do?


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