On 6/4/20 1:00 AM, Erich Eckner wrote:
> In case my voice counts anything in this discussion: I would prefer the
> empty lines between the sections and at the end to stay. I regularly
> parse .SRCINFOs (or the output of `makepkg --printsrcinfo`) and
> terminate parsing of sections on the empty line (think along the lines
> `sed '/^\S/,/^$/ {...}'`).

I should probably clarify that the empty lines as section separators are
part of the current format specification and as far as I'm concerned,
removing them is simply not up for discussion. Any proposed patch *must*
retain those empty lines.

Your use case is a good example of why. And I have no reason to think
you're the only person in the entire userbase who is parsing srcinfo
content with this assumption.

Removing the *final* trailing newline could in theory be done (any
srcinfo parser would presumably terminate at EOF anyway) and that, I'm
"merely unconvinced" about implementing. I still don't think a
compelling case has been made for it, but I'm willing to be convinced.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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