Assalamu'alaikum wr.w b.,
Pak Ridwan,

Memang iyo, menarik tp penuh dendam awak mambaco nyo.
Tapi, pemerintah kito pun salah/tatipu (menipu kiut) gadang dlm hal iko;
disamping mana beliau2 mengambil kesempatan empuk bagi pribadi2 baliau2.
Kembali lagi ke korupsi, yg tega nya mengorban rakyat.  
Baliau2 yg kenyang, kito rakyat yg mamikue nyo.

Salut kito ka Irak, smart them,  yg tak mau kena tipu daya EHM ko.
Tapi dilain pihak, kito juo sangat geram maliek tingkah si Sadam yg katanya 
(kini sadang angek di adili puo, yg akan re zoom in Nov.).

Pak Ridwan,
Barito iyo simpang siur, dima pun kito barado.
Yang batue dan elok memang kito akui juo, sedangkan yg salah nyo 
jaan terkela-bu-i dek yang elok nyo tu.  Begitupun vise-versa, sesuatu yg 
jelek dari seseorang/negara/pemerintahan jaan di baok rendong se pulo secaro 
global .
Kito perlu menyaring, buruk baik, lalu patoklah langkah dg dasar pertimbangan 
yg bersangkutan. Mato & talingo iyo perlu di panyariang. 
We do not know who to trust di maso kini.

Ttg aksi EHM itu, kalau kito sadari itu terjadi disetiap nagara, tergantugn 
scale nyo lai.
Di tampek awak pun kito tertidas juo, kito juo sadar tp indak bisa babuek 
Mudah2an lah kalau dari kini ka-ateh, kok ka lai ado perubahan nyo.  Tp enath 
lah juo.

Buku EHM tu, akan di terbitkan dlm brown paper cover, dg hargo yang lebih 
Nanti bisa di kirimkan juo babarapo exampler.  Paling kurang utk pelajaran 
bagi kito yg kecil2 ko, menghambat  semua itu utk tak terjadi meski di scale 
kecil pulo.
Kalau kito mulai prihatin/membangun dari yg scale letek,
berarti kito memangun negara juo. 

Guess What?
Sabananyo penulis itu juo memperkayo dirinyo pribadi.
Telah sekian buku tersebut beredar, lalu di terbit kan pulo yg 
dg brown paper cover nyo lai. Bia tajua lebih banyak, tangguek jarang, 
tangguek rapek.
Banyak lagi buku2 yg diterbitkannyo.  Jadi iko juo mato pencarian utk 
mampakayo si writer tu.  Sedangakan keuntungan yg didapek nyo selama beraksi 
pun lah 
tak ternilai nyo juo.
Jadi greedy-nafsu, memang memperkosa orang2 yg tak tak mengingat hidup 
Selamat puaso, msemoga apo yg di baco dan ditulis tak kan marusak puaso kito,

uni Ben

In a message dated 10/7/2005 3:12:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
Wa'alikum salam wr.wb.

Bu Ben,
Menarik sekali yang ditulis dalam buku Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
ini. Saya sendiri baru membaca dari ringkasan seperti terlampir. Silahkan
bagi ynag bertanya-tanya tentang sepak terjang EHM untuk membanca dalam
ringkasan berikut.

R Sampono Sutan

A hit man comes clean on economy
> By ROBERT TRIGAUX, Times Business Columnist
> Published February 7, 2005
> Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries
> around the globe out of trillions of dollars. . . . I should know; I was
> EHM.
> - John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
> Floridian John Perkins led a comfortable life as a former international
> economist and energy entrepreneur. He planned to spend his retirement
> writing New Age books and promoting organizations devoted to the
> and helping Amazon tribes.
> Then came the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. To Perkins, now 60, who
> spent years smack dab in the middle of the U.S. international development
> game across the globe - 9/11 was a wake-up call.
> A call to confess.
> Hence his recently published book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. It
> tells how the United States in the past 40-plus years has relied on
> manipulation and political coercion to extend its power and control over
> other nations. Perkins' book is on a dozen bestseller lists and ranked No.
> 10 on Sunday's list of nonfiction bestsellers in the New York Times. It is
> already in its seventh printing.
> Perkins apparently has hit a nerve with readers anxious to understand
> why so many parts of the developing world have such deep-seeded suspicions
> of the United States. The book sheds new light on decades of economic
> maneuvers in the Middle East that contributed to today's U.S. involvement
> Iraq. The book even offers some context for the current tensions between
> energy-hungry United States and one of its major oil providers, Venezuela,
> as detailed by St. Petersburg Times Latin America correspondent David
> on this business page.
> "What economic hit men do is not illegal, but it should be illegal,"
> said in a recent interview. If a banker persuaded someone to take out a
> that was too big to repay, but then demanded some favor to satisfy the
> it would be criminal, he argues.
> "This is done on such an international and big scale, that is it not
> criminal," he said.
> To be sure, Perkins' "confession" does not break entirely new ground.
> on antiglobalism and U.S. imperialism are abundant. I am reminded of
> Chalmers Johnson's book published in 2000, Blowback. That is a CIA term
> describing the unintended consequences of events that were kept secret
> the American public. When the 9/11 attacks happened and Americans asked,
> "Why do they hate us?," most of the world knew full well, Johnson wrote at
> the time. But most Americans had no idea.
> Perkins' book offers a similar theme. But his story is bolstered by the
> author's firsthand experiences in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Panama
> Columbia. In our interview, Perkins recalled how discouraged he was at the
> rising anti-Americanism he encountered last year on a trip to Nepal and
> Tibet.
> "Our people seem unaware," he said of Americans. "They believe that
> aid is used altruistically. But it is often not used that way, and our own
> citizens do not understand that."
> As a younger man in 1971, Perkins' business card identified him as an
> economist for Charles T. Main. The elite Boston consulting firm advised
> World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other multinational
> agencies whether they should lend billions to developing countries to
> such mega-projects as hydroelectric dams, roads and power plants.
> In reality, said Perkins, he had been recruited as an "economic hit man."
> had interviewed years before with the National Security Agency, but took a
> detour by working for the Peace Corps. While in Ecuador, he was approached
> by a Charles T. Main executive named Einar Greve, a U.S. Army Reserve
> colonel who told Perkins he also acted as an NSA liaison.
> When Perkins' stint with the Peace Corp was over, Greve hired Perkins at
> Main. The malleable Perkins then met company consultant Claudine Martin.
> described in the book, she introduced him to his secret role and to the
> phrase "economic hit man" or EHM.
> Sound a bit too cloak and dagger? Greve, now retired as president of
> Ariz., Electric Power Co., told the Tucson Citizen last month said
> story is "basically true."
> Perkins' job was to travel the globe and purposely inflate the economic
> growth estimates in developing countries. Those bloated estimates were
> used to justify funneling billions of international aid dollars and bank
> loans into poor countries.
> The money would largely end up in the hands of giant U.S. engineering and
> construction firms like Bechtel and Halliburton, contracted to build the
> dams and power plants. Any funds left over often disappeared into the
> of dictators and a few politically powerful families.
> It was a sweet, self-serving and corrupt set-up, Perkins acknowledged, one
> the young economist happily went along with to enjoy the big pay and perks
> that come with living in developing countries.
> The real beauty was that Perkins did not work for an NSA or CIA. He was
> employed by a private company. It was part of a system that initially,
> World War II, was intended to exert U.S. influence and discourage the
> of communism in Third World countries.
> Now that same system helps extend the U.S. global empire and,
> the reach and influence of large U.S. corporations, Perkins argues.
> Billions of federal taxpayer dollars simply recycled into the hands of big
> U.S. corporations. The debt incurred by the developing countries - based
> Perkins' own rigged analyses of the countries' economies - would
> overwhelm them. When that happened, the United States gained more
> over the indebted country.
> "It was like what the hit men in the Mafia do," Perkins explained. "We
> arranged for someone to get a gift from the "Don' that they can never
> repay. Then the "Don' wants something, possibly illegal, and asks for
> repayment."
> And what favors did the United States request? "Control over United
> votes, the installation of military bases or access to precious resources
> such as oil," Perkins said.
> Thanks to the role of economic hit men in the 1970s, Perkins said, Saudi
> Arabia cut a deal with the United States to provide ample oil, even in
> times, in exchange for U.S. military protection.
> The first Iraqi war in the early 1990s and the current involvement in
> Perkins suggests, are the result of past failures of economic hit men to
> make Iraq under Saddam Hussein more beholden to this country.
> Americans don't like to hear it - and it is unfortunate, Perkins said -
> decades of U.S. meddling in the Middle East contributed to the rise and
> "Robin Hood" status of Osama Bin Ladin in certain parts of the world.
> He hopes his speaking up will make things better for the next generation,
> including daughter Jessica, a 22-year-old FSU graduate now working in
> Last month, Perkins left his Florida home near Palm Beach Gardens for
> Brazil. There he told his well-received tale as an economic hit man to
> thousands of people attending the six-day World Social Forum. The event is
> held each year to protest the simultaneous World Economic Forum in
> Switzerland attended by government leaders, multinational executives and,
> lately, Hollywood celebrities.
> Now Perkins is traveling this country to tell his story, with scheduled
> speaking engagements across the Midwest, and at such northeastern schools
> Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania and Brown.
> Some confessions take a lot longer than others.
> Robert Trigaux can be reached at 727 893-8405 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [Last modified February 4, 2005, 23:47:01]
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 3:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Amien: Indonesia Bangsa Yang Sakit
> > 'Alaikum salam wr.w b.
> >
> > Sanak Syahril,
> >
> > Eloknyo pak Amin Rais tu maojokkan topik ko kakito di palanta ko, baru
> sero.
> > Ka ka musajik di odok-an sampai di malah kesmepatan dek pandanga wirik
> > manjawek nyo.
> >
> > Sabananyo, pim[pinan2 kito tu bana nan sakik!
> > IM, BANK Dunia ...?  Apkoh iko ubek? Bantauan?
> > Justru iko racun yg sangat berbisa.  Mungkin iyo ubek juo, tp ubek utk
> > para pimpinan tu.
> >
> > Silahkan baco bukku Confesion of the Economy Hit Men tu.
> > Mari ambo kirimkan ciek ke slaah seorang di siko.
> > Budi, lai duduek angku disiko?
> >
> > Insya Allah akan ambo kirimkan ciek buku tu utk angku, lalu silahkan
> > bergantian/bagi2 pengalaman mambaco/ kopi nyo sdi bagi2.
> > Pinjam kan juo ka pak Amin Rais tu.  Disitu baru kito tahu bana apo yg
> > "batuan" bank Dunia dan IMF tu.
> >
> > Sahuuurrr....!!!!!
> > Salam dan maaf,
> > NM

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