Sesuai dengan pengakuannya sendiri sebagai mana yang diberitakan koran 
The Jakarta Post di bawah ini, ternyata Gus Dur tidak diusir pada 
peristiwa Purwakarta seperti yang digembar-gemborkan sebelumnya.
Saya ingin menggarisbawahi komentar Rektor UIN Prof Dr Ayzumardi Azra 
bahwa: “Gus Dur's comment on the Koran was baseless”, dan pendapatnya 
bahwa dia dapat mengerti bahwa “Muslims were angered by Gus Dur's comment.”
Dan saya sangat setuju pendapat Prof Ayzumardi, bahwa kemarahan tersebut 
seharusnya tidak dinyatakan dengan kekerasan, yang dapat memancing 
tindak kekerasan balik dari para pendukung Gus Dur yang di kalangan 
sebagian besar akar rumput NU yang---suka tidak suka masih---sangat kuat 
dan punya prinsip yang meminjam Cak Nun: “right or wrong is my Gus Dur”
Kalau masa FPI bentrok dengan masa Garda Bangsa dan Banser yang untung 
Yang tidak perlu dipertanyakan kalau hal tersebut terjadi merupakan 
tindakan yang memalukan dan semakin menampilkan wajah Islam yang 
distorted: suka tindak kekerasan.
Yang juga tidak perlu dipertanyakan ialah bahwa memberikan komentar atau 
bereaksi berlebihan terhadap apa yang diomongin tokoh yang sudah 
beberapa kali terkena serangan stroke tersebut hanya membuang-buang 
waktu dan energi yang tidak perlu.
H. Darwin Bahar St.Bandaro Kayo (63)
Gus Dur clarifies his Koran comment
National News - May 29, 2006 The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
During a talk show on Radio 68H on Saturday, former president Abdurahman 
"Gus Dur" Wahid clarified an earlier comment he made in which he 
described the Koran as the "most pornographic scripture".
The comment has angered his critics, including conservative clerics and 
hard-line Islamist groups like the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) and the 
Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI).
"The comment was part of four-part discussion. So we cannot isolate it 
from the entire discussion," Gur Dur said in explaining that the comment 
had been taken out of context.
He said that whether someone viewed something as pornographic was 
entirely dependent on the person's point of view.
"I had this friend, the son of a kyai (Islamic cleric), who told me that 
he was 'interested' in pregnant women. He told me he couldn't stop 
imagining how they got pregnant," Gus Dur said.
"What Habib Riziq (FPI's leader) failed to do was ask me for 
clarification," he said.
Azyumardi Azra, rector of the Jakarta State Institute of Islamic 
Studies, said Gus Dur's comment on the Koran was baseless.
"I read the transcript of his talk show on Radio 68H. He was referring 
to a verse in the Koran that says children should obey their mother 
because she breast-fed them for two years. The verse mentions nothing 
about breasts, which might have been referred to by Gus Dur as 
pornographic," Azyumardi said.
"There is no verse in the Koran that graphically discusses any subject 
that could be seen as pornographic.
"I don't know if Gus Dur was joking or serious on the talk show," he said.
Azyumardi said he could understand that some Muslims were angered by Gus 
Dur's comment, but he strongly condemned anyone who expressed their 
anger through violence.
Gus Dur also clarified Saturday that he was not forced to leave the 
podium by FPI members during an interfaith discussion in Purwakarta on 
Tuesday. He said he left the discussion because he had another event in 
Jakarta to attend. (04)

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