>I installed the proper (non-EZ for my field-trial VII) 3.5 ROM (dr2) and
>it hosed my wireless service... We are trying to start on a MAJOR Palm VII
>based project at work and if my VII doesn't work (the only one in the
>company), we may be looking elsewhere for wireless solutions.

So you performed an unsupported install of pre-release software on
pre-release hardware of a different vintage than the software (i.e. made
over a year earlier) and are having troubles... in complete honesty and
without sarcasm I have to say I'm not surprised that something could have
gone wrong, and that the user support folks couldn't get it fixed.

If this is for such a major project as you say, it'd presumably be more
cost-effective for you to go get a production unit from a store, than
change the whole architecture on a dime.  Throwing a small amount of money
at a problem like this is often far better than trying to fix up a very
unguaranteed situation, though I can obviously understand the position that
it ought to be able to work!

-David Fedor
Palm Developer Support

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