I have a couple of questions relating to drawing on a 3.0 device:

i)How can I use WinDrawChars() to draw characters to an offscreen window
using the 'OR' mode (scrOverlay). The only way I could think of is to draw
to another offscreen window and then WinCopyRectangle() to the destination
window with the winOverlay mode set. Is there any way I can avoid the draw +
copy operation and get the desired results with a draw operation only?

ii)I feel this question may have been discussed earlier on this forum, in
which case I apologise for reposting. Thanks to Ken Krugler's pointer to the
HHSJ article, I know how to create bitmaps dynamically on 3.0. My question
is : How can I create an Offscreen Window that is in a 2bpp mode? Will the
following work? And can I draw a dynamically created 2bpp bitmap to this
offscreen window?

        DWord depth = 2;
        ScrDisplayMode(scrDisplayModeSet, widthP, heightP, &depth, NULL);
        WinCreateOffscreenWindow(width, height, scrFormat, &error);


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