We presently have a customer whose application needs include mapping
functions ( that is display some mapping data and pen drawing right on
the hand held) along with standard field task management ones as
currently handled in our software. The mapping resolution would parallel
the need to guide someone from one address to another much like the
Rand-McNally street atlas.

The Pocket PC devices tend to have much better screen resolution for
mapping displays however their costs are somewhat prohibited ($499
each). The Palm OS device costs much less ($149 each) though the
resolution is not quite as good.  Our customer is seeking 2,500 units
which would mean a difference of $900,000.  Our opinion is to convince
the customer to use the inexpensive Palms and to later update the units
as technology changes. (Expecting that a much better than today unit
will be available by the end of next year with a better color resolution
for about $299.)

      Does anyone have a different opinion?

Thank you for your time.


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