>-----Original Message-----
>From: Patrick Ouellet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 11:39 AM
>To: Palm Developer Forum
>Subject: Low Memory access error
>Ok I had the "MyApps"  1.0 has just read
>directly from NULL (memory location zero)
>I know what it mean, but I want to know to to solve this problem...
>What am I doing wrong.
>These are my global variable:
>UInt CurChar = 0;
>CharPtr TempCode[5];

Make this: Char TempCode[5];

>This is my code:
>static Boolean MainFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP)
>    Boolean handled = false;
>    FormPtr frmP;
> switch (eventP->eType)
> {
>  case ctlSelectEvent:
>  {
>   switch(eventP->data.ctlEnter.controlID)
>   {
>    case MainBtnStarButton:
>     FrmCustomAlert(TestAlertAlert, *TempCode, NULL, NULL);
>     break;
>    case MainBtnToeButton:
>     StrCopy(*TempCode, "");
>     CurChar = 0;
>     break;

Basically, *TempCode is a pointer to a pointer to a string.
you can ditch that.  What you need to do is do a StrLen test
on TempCode.  If the value at TempCode[0] == '\0', Then do
a StrCopy.  Else, do a StrCat.  You'd want to do this:

if ( StrLen( TempCode ) < 1 )
        StrCopy( TempCode, "0" );
        StrCat( TempCode, "1" );

in each of your case statements.  This way, you don't have to
copy a null character into TempCode.  I do these number pads all 
the time.  =)

>    case MainBtn0Button:
>     StrCat(*TempCode, "0");
>     CurChar++;
>     break;
>    case MainBtn1Button:
>     StrCat(*TempCode, "1");
>     CurChar++;
>     break;
>    case MainBtn2Button:
>     StrCat(*TempCode, "2");
>     CurChar++;
>     break;
>    case MainBtn3Button:
>     StrCat(*TempCode, "3");
>     CurChar++;
>     break;
>    case MainBtn4Button:
>     StrCat(*TempCode, "4");
>     CurChar++;
>     break;
>   }
>   handled = true;
>   if (CurChar == 4)
>   {
>    FrmCustomAlert(TestAlertAlert, "4 Char", NULL, NULL);
>   }
>   break;
>  }

You might want to put together an alert resource in Constructor.
Just a thought...then you'd just have to write:  FrmAlert( TestAlert );

>  case menuEvent:
>   return MainFormDoCommand(eventP->data.menu.itemID);
>  case frmOpenEvent:
>   frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
>   MainFormInit( frmP);
>   FrmDrawForm ( frmP);
>   handled = true;
>   break;

Put some brackets in these...just a good style thing, you know,
for any statement that nests more than 2 calls or statements.  =)

>  default:
>   break;
> }
> return handled;
Hope that helps!


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