I have CodeWarrior 9.3 working on Vista - compiles adn links fine which was
a pleasant suprise.

The only niggle is I cant get USB debugging working (to a treo650).

The problem appears to be with USBPort.dll (Version 6.0.1). PalmDebugger
finds it ok in C:\ProgramFiles\palmOne\ (I moved it there from System32).

I traced it using Dependency Walker and it barfs in DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for
USBPort.dll. I tried other older versions of USBPort.dll and they all failed
in the same way :(

Anyone any suggestions/ideas?

Actually, the Treo 650 did support USB debugging, it was the Treo 600
that failed in that area.  However, the issue you see isn't related to
that.  It looks like there's some issue with how the USB system works
on Vista that prevents the driver from loading.  It always was a very
odd and sensitive component.  I think you'll have to wait for a
fully-Vista compatible version of Palm Desktop and HotSync to get your
connection back.

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