Two solutions to the speed issue:
1.  Create and maintain separate index files as you have done 
2.  Use a binary search on the index file to locate the relevant record

I started using this on tables of 20-30K rows on the original Palm units, so
I know that this can work.  Using that technique we could find an index
record and then cross to the main table in under 1 second.

Lee Church

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 3:13 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Significant performance problem using QuickSort on newer NVFS

My app handles large databases, sometimes with as many as 32,000 records,
and NVFS is a major headache for me. 

NVFS is not the only thing that affects performance. Another important
factor is the memory speed. Some models, such as the Tungsten T, have
relatively slow memory, and perform badly as a consequence. The cheaper Zire
31 performs much better here.

NVFS affects all file operations, of which QuickSort is just is an extreme
case. Take for instance barcode scanning. Our app normally searches the
database record by record. This operation too is adversely affected by NVFS,
even though it is sequential and read only.

In the case of barcode scanning, where the response time is particularly
critical, I resorted to using an optional second index. It is basically as
Mr Combee describes, with a slight twist. 

I store the barcodes in a separate database, together with the unique ids.
Performance is acceptable, and the index is still valid if the main database
has a different sort order. It can also tolerate a small number of
modifactions to the main database.

My ideal solution would be for Palm to resume production of the T3, but that
is not going to happen. Some of my customers suffer the consequences of
NVFS, while others resort to buying non NVFS devices on eBay.
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