I'm a Designer / Developer that likes to explore the potentialities of
new technologies, more recently on the social sphere (almost updated
portfolio: http://nuthinking.com/cv/ and a recent project I did:

Few months ago, after having done some tests on J2ME and, given my
will to learn C++, I decided to design and build a couple of tiny apps
for my handheld (Palm Treo 650) and distribute them for free, also the
eventual source.
After months, and some unrelated issues (computers with experiments
stolen), I'm still here with a long way to go to deliver them. Despite
the apps are very simple, I definitely underestimated the amount of
knowledge in PalmOS platform (especially due to limitations) necessary
to deploy them.

Said that, I'm really willing on hearing if anyone would be interested
in participating on the development. As I said, those would be free so
I wouldn't mind not to pay, of course the ownership and credits would
be shared, but I'm also open on considering other options. I can only
ensure that the apps are REALLY tiny but still quite interesting.

Please let me know if you would be interested.

Thanks for the attention, chr

{ Christian Giordano's site and blog @ http://nuthinking.com }

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