I've had a break of a few years from developing PalmOS applications and now 
want to update some of my old apps. I've got the new IDE installed and working, 
however I have a few questions about developing applications for newer hires 
(over 160 x 160) devices.

I can see in the resource editor that it's possible to select the screen size 
for a form, however when going to 320 x 320 this just seems to double up the 
pixels is the correct?

Also if I select 320x480 I can't place controls on the bottom part of the form, 
how do you get them there?

What do other developers do about different screen resolutions? Do you just 
develope for 160x160 or do you dynamically select and display different forms 
depending on the resolution of the device that is running your applications?

I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before but the help files give no 
information on this. This was all so much simpler in the old days!

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