Hi Chjristopher, 

thanks for your answer.

I'm not setting the card # explicitly. Could it be that the system tries to 
free a DB that I have already freed? 
The callstack is not inside my program.

Best wishes, 


----- original message --------

Subject: Re: Invalid card # error in Emulator
Sent: Mon, 28 Jan 2008
From: Christopher Stamper

You're probably using a card number other than 0(1?) in one of your function 
calls. CardNo does not refer to external VFS volumes, such as SD cards. It is 
only for internal 'cards'.

On Jan 26, 2008 6:52 PM, Juergen Wind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

a (hopefully) small question:

When I quit my application, Emulator stops with the following
message: 'Application called SysFatalAlert with the message
"MemoryMgr.c, Line: 3188, Invalid card#"'

The callstack is as follows:

Thread [1] (Suspended)
     5 ErrDisplayFileLineMsg()
     4 MemLocalIDToGlobal()
     3 DmOpenDBNoOverlay()
     2 DmOpenDBWithLocale()
     1 DmOpenDatabase()

BTW: Simulator simply breaks on it :-(

Any ideas?


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Christopher Stamper
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--- original message end ----

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