On Jan 31, 2008 12:50 AM, Jonathan Carse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using the progress manager is the right way to go - definitely.
> But if anyone wants a quick solution to a situation like this, just use
> Aaron's FIX#2: Put these lines in whenever you want to throw away your pen
> events (best placed, as mentioned by Aaron, in the beginning of a for loop).
> do
> {
> EvtGetEvent(&evt, 0);
> } while(evt.eType != nilEvent);
> That will throw away all the pen and key events that occur during your
> operation.

you will find that:


also work if you put them there. you were putting them outside your while
loop - so, they were just being enqueued when the user tapped away and
the event queue overflowed.

good that you found a solution that works; albeit, its not a good design
as i mentioned earlier; the progress manager does what i suggested
but in a more elegant manner (vs the nilEvent processing)

// Aaron Ardiri

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