I seem to remember a similar thread about 6-months ago.  You may want to
check the archives.  I don't think it was ever resolved.


"David Heil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:18239@palm-dev-forum...

The Palm Vx has never had any entries added into Datebook. It was purchased
January 2000. I checked and found that there was an inadvertent entry
(nothing but a capital A at 10:00AM) on January 30, 2000. I deleted this
entry and retested. I still get an error count at the rollover to midnight.
I tried purging the Datebook, but I still have the problem. Actually, the
only problem is definitively determining that this is a known Palm OS
behavior, so that I know it is not a problem originating with the module
sending the messages. Any other ideas on what Palm OS does for several
seconds at midnight?


Datebook can take a few seconds to compute the time of the next alarm. It's
only slow if you've got events going way back, as happens if you've had a
Palm for years and never purge your Datebook. I don't see why this would
happen every midnight, but it might. -- Peter Epstein
Palm Inc. Developer


Today, I manually set the clock on the Palm Vx to 11:58 PM and then
restarted my test with error count at 0. Two minutes later the count
increased to 1 with a time stamp of 0:00:02. There must be something that
Palm OS schedules at midnight that takes 2 or 3 seconds. Can any Palm OS
engineers enlighten me?


I'm running a test on a module that spits out serial data - 3 messages -
once every second. I'm using a Palm (a Vx and a IIIc) to monitor these
messages and report if and when 1.5 seconds or more elapses between message
transmissions. I left the system running continuously over the weekend,
starting on Friday afternoon, with the error count reading 0. On Monday
morning, the error count was 3, Tuesday morning it was 4, and Wednesday
morning it was 5. Wednesday, I
added a time stamp to the Palm display to discover when the time gap was
occurring, and restarted the system with an error count of 0. Thursday
morning, the error count was 1, with a time stamp of 0:00:03 (3 seconds past
midnight). The question: does Palm OS do some kind of memory garbage
cleaning scheduled at midnight that could take several seconds?

Dave Heil
Preco Electronics

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