A hopefully quick question that someone can answer for me.  I've looked long
and hard for an answer, but can't find it.  When would one use the "Palm VII
Support" directory or the "Palm VII Stationary" in CodeWarrior?

I'm new to Palm development, but after much reading I am under the
impression that a developer would want to use the PalmOS SDK 3.5 for new
development even if they were developing for Palm devices that might only
have version 3.1 in their ROM.  The only worry a developer has is to make
sure the code doesn't use functions that can only be found in a later ROM

So why is there a Palm VII Support directory installed under CodeWarrior?

When I first saw it I assumed this was a "relic" from a time when the Palm
VII was new and that it was only there to support old apps.  Is this true or
have I completely misunderstood the reason for it?

Thank you for any help you can give.


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