[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I didn't miss the extra one.  Just look at the line followed the FOR
>which adds number of char* fields to variable length.

Ok, I see that ... it isn't obvious why you're adding "frp_facilityCount"
to the length until it's explained.  I'd change the comment there...

>I don't have the problem if I do a DmRecordNew() and Pack new data to the
>record.  The problem only exists when trying to update the old data with
>data in the record.

Hmmm.... I really don't see how that could affect the data in "rec" ... I
that's a "const char *" param, it's not supposed to get changed.  It's
data in the incomming struct "rec" that's being munged, and not data
in the database record referred to by "recordH" and "s"?

'tis a puzzlement.


btw: do you really need to include those huge "ascii art" header
blocks?  They really take up a lot of room for information that
is already contained in the msg headers...

>|        |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
>|        |          uch.com      |
>|        |                       |
>|        |          10/02/00     |
>|        |          04:23 PM     |
>|        |          Please       |
>|        |          respond to   |
>|        |          palm-dev-foru|
>|        |          m            |
>|        |                       |
>  >-----------------------------------------------------------|
>  |                                                           |
>  |       To:     palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com              |
>  |       cc:                                                 |
>  |       Subject:     Re: Data Moving Problem                |
>  >-----------------------------------------------------------|
>I'm a little concerned about that
>    length += StrLen(rec->Data[index]);
>I -assume- that DmStrCopy() will write a terminating NUL char, which
>means that your length should be StrLen(rec->Data[index])+1;  Right
>now the memhandle you are allocating will be short by one byte per
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Hi All,
>>I have problem understanding why data in rec gets changed in following
>>What it does is simple, write data from record rec to the record handle
>>While doing DmStrCopy, some data in the record gets changed.  I don't
>>why.  I am not sure if this was caused by the available dynamic memory.
>>you in advance.
>>void PackFrpFacility(FrpFacility* rec, MemHandle recordH)
>>     UInt16 length = 0;
>>     char*     s;
>>     UInt16    strLen = 0;
>>     UInt16 index;
>>     length = sizeof(rec->frp_id) + sizeof(rec->frp_facility_id);
>>     for (index = 0; index < frp_facilityCount; index++)
>>          length += StrLen(rec->Data[index]);
>>     length += frp_facilityCount;  file://number of string fields
>>     if (MemHandleResize(recordH, length) == 0)    {
>>          s = MemHandleLock(recordH);
>>          DmWrite(s, OffsetOf(FrpFacilityPacked, frp_id), (char*)
>>sizeof(rec->frp_id) );
>>          DmWrite(s, OffsetOf(FrpFacilityPacked, frp_facility_id), (char*)
>>&rec->frp_facility_id, sizeof(rec->frp_facility_id) );
>>          for (index = 0; index < frp_facilityCount; index++)     {
>>               DmStrCopy(s, OffsetOf(FrpFacilityPacked, Data) + strLen,
>>               strLen += StrLen(rec->Data[index]) + 1;
>>          }
>>          MemHandleUnlock(recordH);
>>     }

-Richard M. Hartman

186,000 mi/sec: not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

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