Thanks...I think I understand that part OK.

What I don't understand is how to store the "60" minutes (or other time) as a
numeric in the DB and table. I have a string saved right now and believe I
should have an int saved. This should also allow me to right justify the
displayed minutes.


Richard Burmeister wrote:

> From: "Allan Lindsay" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Numerics and DB Items
> ? I am new to Palm OS.......I have a field called minutes that is entered
> ? in a detail form....I take it and store it into a DB field.....
> ? Now I want to take the current time and add the minutes to create a
> ? field called estimated time.
> Use TimGetTime to get the current date/time in seconds.
> Then use TimSecondsToDateTime to convert that to a DateTimePtr.
> Then use TimAdjust to add  60*minutes to get the estimated time.
> Read the Time Manager section of the Palm OS SDK Reference for more things
> you can do with dates and times.

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