Now, I ended up doing this a different way while waiting for an answer to
this question.. what I did was create a form (Usable and Save Behind), sized
160x160 called Graphic. I put a button on it with no text and no frame, also
sized 160x160. I then wrote this function:

static void DoGraphicDialog(Word idBmp)
 FormPtr pForm;
 FormBitmapType *pBmp;
 // Load the info form, then display it.
 pForm = FrmInitForm(GraphicForm);
 pBmp = FrmNewBitmap(&pForm, idBmp, idBmp, 0, 0);
 FrmRemoveObject(&pForm, idBmp);
 // Delete the info form.

Now, this works great on my Palm IIIc, but POSE barfs on it when it comes
back from FrmDoDialog... it starts complaining about reading and writing
chunks that aren't allocated. Any ideas why this doesn't work?

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