Yeah, I did the same thing you did.  I had to build a series of custom tips

Hierarchical problem?  hmmm, I don't think that would be it.  I took your i
bitmap and put it into constructor.  Then I made a graphic button, and
inserted the resource ID into the Bitmap Resource property.  It's visible in
constructor at this point.  Then when I run the app, I get the Euro.  hehehe
It seemed pretty funny at the time.

I then took the Bitmap ID and put it into the Selected Bitmap property.
Still no luck :-(  It has to be something stupid I'm doing....

Timothy D. Astle
Embedded Systems Programmer
ALT Group Inc.

People on Jolt cola write the funniest things.

                                     A-10 Obedience Guide,
                                     Kitty Hawk Studios

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