-use rom id  as a unique number
-use armlet for security and also crc the 68k code
-user 68k to crc armlet
-never numerical keys
-always keyfiles (preferably just the unique id, signed using a
loooong rsa signature)

makes keygens and hacks hard :)

Best Regards,
Dmitry Grinberg
(847) 226 9295

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Doug Reeder <reeder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Computers are fundamentally open systems -- you can't prevent people from
> cracking your app, you can only make it more difficult.  Furthermore, there
> are crackers out there, perhaps most of them, who do it because they find it
> personally rewarding, or for status in their subculture.   The harder it is
> to crack, the greater the status from doing so.  Music and movie companies
> spent millions developing content protection system that were broken in
> weeks or months.  And when cracked once, your app is available to anyone
> willing to use a cracked version.
> One can divide users in to three categories: those saints who will pay
> regardless of what measures you take, those freeloaders who won't pay
> regardless, and the largest group, those who will pay if that is a better
> experience than not paying.   Most people value being able to think of
> themselves as honest.  They want the software to be easy to install and use.
>  They want to be able to update easily when bug fixes come out.  They want
> technical support.  They expect their software to run when they get new
> hardware.  And they don't want to pay more than a "fair" price for it.
> (Ideas of what constitute fairness differ.)
> So, you should evaluate every protection measure against the question "Does
> this make it a better experience to pay, rather than not pay?".  So, if
> users must do complicated things to activate their software, it tilts the
> equation against you. Making it easy to obtain tech support if you have
> paid, and hard if you haven't, tilts the equation your way.   Making easy
> for paid users to upgrade to a version with new features, vs. waiting for
> the the new version to be cracked, tilts the equation in your favor.
> As a citizen, it may advance the social good to deny software to people who
> won't pay for it, but as a businessman, you shouldn't care -- if they won't
> pay, there's no profit to be made, and it doesn't cost you anything.
> The easier it is to plug a security package or library into an application,
> the easier it is for crackers to unplug.  So, if you're serious about
> technical protection measures, it needs to be intertwined with the
> functioning code.   You need to implement a system where you can vary the
> protection measures with each release, so it can't be cracked the same way
>  as previous releases.   The cracker community has spent thirty years
> developing its tactics and tools.   Inform yourself before expending effort
> on technical protection measures.
> One area that does pay off is making it difficult to generate valid license
> codes.  Then, at least black marketeers can't sell licenses for your
> software that work with uncracked software.  A license code is like a
> message from the publisher saying 'it's okay to run given such-and-such
> environment'.  Public key cryptography can make it near-impossible to fake a
> message -- if you dot all your i's and cross all your t's.   But keep in
> mind what you're locking the software to.   Palm OS devices don't all have
> unique hardware IDs, and most customers expect to be able to take their
> software with them to a new model.   You can expect that HotSync names are
> effectively unique -- but there are hacks to change the HotSync name before
> any given app executes, so anyone willing to cheat can use a published
> HotSync name - license code pair and still use their normal HotSync name for
> syncing.
> This is a simplified overview -- there are caveats to almost everything I've
> said above.   But learn about the whole situation before expending effort.

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