Not yet.

Program in JavaScript? Pffft, I'd rather program in BASIC.

Since I doubt the built-in apps are written in JavaScript, but believe that they do use HTML and CSS as the GUI layer (via the DOM), I conclude one can write apps for WebOS in a reasonable language that integrate with the built-in apps and OS. Really, the question is, what is the application language, and how soon will they open it to developers?

Were I in change of the project, I wouldn't allow C/C++ as an application language -- the programmer is forced to make decisions that are better made by the compiler or OS. But not everyone sees it that way.

Java, or a Java-workalike such as Waba is a possibility.

It could even be something like Ruby on Rails (though RoR itself is more of a server-side language).

I am intensely interested in what Palm will offer developers -- we're told that 3rd party apps are full peers in the Dashboard. WebOS could be great for developers, but we need a lot more details, and actions speak louder than words.

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