Discussions like this help me realize that I don't belong here.

My cell phone voice and data plan is less expensive than my landline voice and data and I can get higher data rates on the cell phone. So, which is more 'sensible'?

Every phone that I have ever had with AT&T has had the capability to connect to a PC to access the photos that I shot on it. Text and data plans are separately charged items on AT&T; if you don't want them, don't sign up for them. Most people who keep a calendar would prefer NOT to bring a laptop with them as well.

Most of my apps don't use any of the fancy new features on modern devices. However, those modern features enable a bunch of really interesting possibilities for future versions of those apps and new apps.

So, how does one unsubscribe from this list these days? The URL appended to the bottom of these messages is no good any more and the instructions to unsubscribe are not in any obvious place on the page that you get redirected to.


Don Albertson wrote:
I think it's more accurate to say that all the extras above and beyond the ability to make and receive phone calls are secondary to my needs.

I got my Centro for $50 when I renewed my basic ATT contract -- which I would have done anyway because I get a discount. I no longer carry my E2 and a phone that takes pictures of the inside of my pocket but won't connect to my PC to share them. I can manage my calendar and my contacts using a real keyboard and keep the one at work sync'd to the one at home. I may not be typical, but I suspect that given the choice of having a sensible phone service plan over a full "data plan" a lot more people would take the sensible option. This, however, is not in the best interests of Spring, ATT, Verizon, et al. so you won't see sensible options -- just more ways to bill for airtime (whether you use it or not).


Lee Church wrote:

The days of the $200 PDA are gone forever. The Palm market lasted longer than most (Windows Mobile manufacturers exited several years ago, and the low-end HP units are now $400 +). If you want just a Palm OS device w/o phone then the Acceda and the Janam units will have to do.

I do find your comment that phone service is "secondary to our real needs" somewhat myopic. None of my customers carry only a PDA and no cell phone. Asked which they would give up first, I would bet the PDA would lose. So let's do some math: option 1 would have been to buy a Tungsten E2 at $200, and get a free phone with a cell contract at $49 per month, and I carry 2 devices. Option 2 would have been (and now is) to pay $99 for a Centro (current market price in my area), plus $49 per month for cell service, and I carry one device. So option 2 costs me less money and cuts my device count in half; that seems like a good deal for the consumer. It's not the PDA portion of the device that costs $49 - 159 per month, it's the cell service.

*From:* luis maldonado [mailto:luis.maldon...@hotmail.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 08, 2009 9:27 AM
*To:* Palm Developer Forum
*Subject:* RE: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre

Whatever the solution is in moving our apps to the new webOS platform is fine. however, it doesn't solve the issues of the PDA platform disappearing from the face of the planet leaving a PDA market without the necessary hardware to run these applications that are more of a realtime data collections than phone conversations. the beauty of the TX and similar PDAs is their pricing structure, once that is gone, then we have the Symbols and the like able to charge an exhorbitant price for PDAs which are used just to collect data and nothing more. so we're stuck with an expensive monthly phone service which is secondary to our real needs...

There is a market out for these units, it's just not sexy enough.... and offcourse it doesn't have the 49.99 to 159.99 monthly service fee tag to go along with it....


> From: llebl...@cam.org
> To: palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com
> Subject: Re: Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre
> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 06:31:26 -0700
> Edward Jones wrote:
> > I wonder how "Classic" will cope with Bluetooth and SD cards
> ...and conduits and beaming...
> Luc Le Blanc
> --
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