> Now I have about 13 duplicate messages from Jaco Vis. 
> Has anyone addressed this on the forum yet?  I wouldn't 
> know because I have a couple hundred messages to 
> sift through every hour.

        I posted this quick and dirty hack in the conduit-forum group. 
I wrote a 5-line perl script which will sort out your mbox-style 
folders and remove duplicate messages based on Msg-ID. Worked like 
a champ here on my box (linux). Script is as follows: 


undef $/;
my @para = split /(\n\n+)/, <>;

while (defined ($_ = shift @para))
    die "No From line!\n" unless /^From /;
    my ($id) = map /^Message-ID:\s(\S.*)/im, split /\n(?! )/;
    warn "No Message-ID! [[$_]]\n" unless defined $id;
    $_ .= shift @para while @para and $para[0] !~ /^From /;
    print unless defined $id and $seen{$id}++;
        Syntax is: 

        script.pl old_mbox_with_dupes > new_mbox_without_dupes

        Hope that helps. 

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