"The code it produces
> runs on all Palm OS devices, as long as you don't try to call a function
> that isn't implemented on that device."

Well not entirely true, you can not run 3.5 apps on symbol's spt1500 or
spt1700. The lib that is called uses 3.1 and symbol has not yet supported
the 3.5 changes. Haven't checked into this for the PCS momentum scanner on
the Handspring, but I bet it's the same story.

"Richard Burmeister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Also, I know that PalmOS 3.5 fixes this confusion between VoidHand and
> > Handle, but unfortunately there aren't enough 3.5 users out there to
> warrant
> > a change from 3.0 as a minimum to 3.5. That said, does anyone have some
> kind
> > of poll data about the percentage of *their* users running OS 3.5?
> There is no reason not to develop with the 3.5 SDK.  The code it produces
> runs on all Palm OS devices, as long as you don't try to call a function
> that isn't implemented on that device.  For example, if you want to check
> for color:
> #define sysVersion30 sysMakeROMVersion(3,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0)
> // return true iff the screen depth is 8
> static Boolean CanDoColor( void )
> {
>   UInt32 romVersion;
>   UInt32 depth;
>   FtrGet( sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumROMVersion, &romVersion );
>   if ( romVersion < sysVersion30 )
>     return false;    // don't call WinScreenMode if OS < 3
>   else
>   {
>     WinScreenMode( winScreenModeGet, 0, 0, &depth, 0 );
>     return ( depth == 8 );
>   }
> }

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