> I found some code on the Internet that I need some explanation for. I
> understand that these variables point to some place in memory but where
> is this documented. I take it that you could directly do things with
> the processor but what? Can any one help. This just looks very 
> interesting and would like to know more about it.
> >     volatile unsigned char *CKCON = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa27;
> >     volatile unsigned char *VPW = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa05;
> >     volatile unsigned char *PICF = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa20;
> >     volatile unsigned char *LBAR = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa29;
> >     volatile unsigned char *FRCM = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa31;
> >     volatile unsigned char *POSR = (unsigned char *)0xfffffa2d;

  they are CPU register pointers :) you can do funky stuff like
  overclocking, special hardware dependent code (ie: tweak
  the LCD controller into grayscale etc).. they are documented
  inside the CPU manuals. :)

  keep in mind.. they may change (pointer values) from device to
  device.. there are three CPU's being used right now..

// az
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