Hi All,

I'm facing a strange problem...

I'm using the sample INetLow application to connect to
the Palm Web Clipping Test Proxy(presently my emulator.

If i modify the given code and specify "CtpConvNone"
as the compression option i get the complete HTML for
the page that i'm requesting.

Now if i change the option to "CtpConvCML" the WCP
sends me some binary data for the desired HTML page.

This binary data,i presume should be exactly similar
to the binary stream of the PQA(following the header)
if i were to convert the same page using the PQA

But surprisingly this is not the case,,,i'm getting
less number of bytes over the socket from the WCP as
compared to the PQA generated using the PQA builder.

Just to be sure that the WCP is sending me the right
data i embedded a link for the desired page in a PQA
app and fired the link...the clipper rendered the page
perfectly...SO i guess there's no problem at the WCP
end..Something to do with what request i'm sending !!!

Am i missing something ?


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