Just wondered if anyone had an answer for this?  I've run into the same


Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm using GNU g++, and am declaring a static global array of button IDs,
> like so:
>   const UInt16 ButtonIDs[] = {
>       Button1,
>       Button2,
>       Button3
>   };
> However, when I try to do something like FrmGetObjectIndex() using one
> of these array values, pose complains about "object not in form".
> When I look at the array in gdb, it has the correct values:
>   (gdb) print ButtonIDs
>   $1 = {1001, 1002, 1003}
> But, I added code to examine the array using
>   HostFPrintF(fh, "The array contains %hu, %hu, %hu\n",
>               ButtonIDs[0], ButtonIDs[2], ButtonIDs[2])
> And, I get
>   The array contains 1036, 3592, 36354
> If I declare the array as
>   UInt16 ButtonIDs[3];
> and then initialize the array in my frmOpenEvent, my code works
> fine.
> Is there anybody who has seen this before and can shed some light on it?
> --
> Dave Carrigan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])            | Yow! Now I need a suntan, a
> UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-DNS | tennis lesson, Annette
> Seattle, WA, USA                            | and two dozen Day-Glo orange
> http://www.rudedog.org/                     | paper jumpsuits!!

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