> Hi,
> I have an application, which builds and works fine
> when run using the PRC tools.
> But when I use the Pilrc plugin for CodeWarrior to
> compile the same rcp file in a project file it gives
> out the following error
> Error   : Expected Ô-Õ, Ô(Õ, Ô!Õ, Ô~Õ, number, or
> system function (e.g. $$CountOf), but got ÔEOFÕ
> myapprsc.r line 2043   resource 'MENU' (1000) {
> Error   : Expected number, but got ÔEOFÕ
> myapprsc.r line 2043   resource 'MENU' (1000) {
> Can anyone please explain whats happening here?

  maybe you got end of file? :)

  you might want to check your .rcp file by loading
  it into pilrcedit or a similar tool

// az
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