Keith: Thanks for the response.

> I think that the "official" way to do this is to create multiple
> versions of the button you need with the frame attributes you need,
> and then show only the one you want.  Wasteful, awkward, yes, but I
> don't think that setting the frame attribute is supported, and this
> is the only way I can think of around it.

I can't even find a way to create the FIRST control with "noFrame".

I have a fairly sophisticated application that uses dynamically created
forms, containing dynamically created controls, all deteremined by dynamic
User Interface action, driven by some fancy routines and even fancier tables
of control information.  There's nothing pre-determined in any of this,
other than a few forms "up front" to kick off the app.

I don't think there's a way to "clone" an existing Control, so even defining
a bunch of "spare" controls in a form won't help me any.  I actually tried
copying an entire Control just for kicks, and got another access violation
from POSE.

> Um, what group was it in when you created it

See the response to the first question.  If I had a predefined form and
controls, none of this would be a problem.  But, since the forms and
controls are all added dynamically, so are the group assignments.  I used to
be able to "remember" which group a control was in by merely examing its
attributes.  But, not with POSE's added restrictions.

The good news is that my application, which would take about 300K in a
"standard, hard-coded" application, works great with a table-driven control
mechanism in 52K.  The bad news is that Palm OS isn't really backward
compatible, and that sux.  Perhaps PalmOSGlue, if robust enough, will solve
this whole riddle.

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