"Gary Gorsline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>  If you have a product for several platforms,
> like CE and Pocket PC and Palm OS and Windows 9X, can you not advertise
> as MyAppName CE, MyAppName Pocket PC, MyAppName Palm OS and MyAppName
> Windows.

I'm pretty sure that it's legal to use names like "MyAppName for Windows"
and "MyAppName for Palm" without infringing on the trademark. To determine
whether a name violates a trademark, the main question asked is "would the
average consumer be confused by the naming?" - and I think it's fair to say
that your average consumer wouldn't look at "MyAppName for Palm" and get
confused as to whether it was a product of Palm Inc, or equivalent to the

There was a big tizz when Microsoft made noise about trademarking "Windows",
and I'm pretty sure that the general consensus afterwards is that names like
"Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows" weren't in violation.

That said, I'm not a lawyer and my memory is somewhat fuzzy, so go ask an
attorney in your jurisdiction :)

Andrew Francis

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