>     Thanks for you'r input Richard Burmeister, you're probally one of
> the least helpful I've seen lately.  Yes, Troy is my real name.
> You'd be surprised to find out how long I have been reviewing this
> forum, I usally do that before I join any.  Maybe in the past this
> was a better forum, but from what I've seen lately it isn't.  Believe
> me if I needed any help I wouldn't look for it here.

Hmm, I've been reading this forum in one way or another for a couple of
months now, without really posting anything, and I've seen a lot of really
useful information exchanged.  I've learned just by reading, and not asking
questions.  And now I've switched from digest mode to individual messages,
and while I cannot possibly deny that there are some problems with this
forum, are there any that don't have problems?  I'm subscribed to 2 other
lists as active as this one, and I don't think their ratio of crap to useful
knowledge is any worse.

So, I say Thanks! to the people who are on this list, doing what they can to
help people out.


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