> > > From: I am johnny~
> > > I write a program on PalmOS 3.5 , and I use Graphic
> > > button and Pop Form . I install it in Palm V ( OS
> > > is 3.3 )... ! Graphic button can't display

> > From: RB
> > Graphic buttons don't work unless the 3.5 New Feature Set
> > is present (Palm OS 3.5 or better).  The archives contain
> > suggestions for work-arounds.

> From: ??johnny?~
> Thx, but this case I need use graphic button ...
> what can I do ? pls give me some suggestions.

From: RB
There are 2 ways to create a graphic button before OS 3.5: 1) use a gadget,
or 2) put a bitmap on top of a button.

This KB article tells one way: http://oasis.palm.com/dev/kb/faq/1092.cfm

Here are some posts from the archives:




I think you should have been able to find this stuff yourself.  (That's why
I suggested you look in the archives.)

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