> From: Todd Cary
> For the sake of an example, let's say that the Field,
> "Variety", were to be replaced with a PopupTrigger by
> the name of "PopupTriggerVariety".
> How would I replace the line
>   From := SetFieldValue(GetObjectPtr(Form, Variety), From);
> so that the PopupTrigger control had it's Label set with
> the value in the Record?

I don't know what SetFieldValue() is really doing.  To set a popuptrigger
label, use CtlSetLabel.  E.g.,

// gPopLabel must not disappear while the popup label exists
StrCopy(gPopLabel, TheValueYouReadFromTheRecord);
CtlSetLabel(GetObjectPtr(Form, PopupTriggerVariety), gPopLabel);

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